Ensuring Compliance and Safety
Providing aesthetic treatments in Nevada just got a lot harder over the last few months. The new laws regarding medical supervision are a great step forward in terms of patient safety – but they are damaging the ability of many estheticians to earn a good living while providing the broad range of treatments and procedures that their clients want.
Nevada Medical Directors understands your pain. You now either have to choose to offer a severely limited menu of treatments or pay exorbitant fees to medical professionals to keep your doors open.
We are here for you. We own and operate medical spas and health clinics ourselves, so we know how hard it can be to stay competitive with all of the various overheads and expenses. That is why we’re providing you with a new solution – very cost-effective medical supervision, on a monthly, no-obligation subscription basis.
Affordable Medical Expertise
Our prices are not set high to take advantage of the situation that you are in – instead we offer our services at a fair rate that is based on the amount of work and malpractice coverage that is required to keep everyone safe and protected. This means that you pay much less, and only for the services that you actually use, rather than a high, variable rate.
Our mission is to help you continue to grow your business with as little impact from the new regulations as possible.
Find out more about our pricing by getting in touch with our team below.


Our founding medical professional is Dr. Aloysius N. Fobi, MD, F.A.C.E.P., A.B.E.M, a medical doctor with over two decades of experience in medicine. In addition to that professional expertise, Dr. Fobi is also extremely familiar with the tools and techniques in use in the aesthetics industry, including lasers and other energy-based devices